"The "Farmer, loan for you" commodity crediting project is a unique opportunity to develop one's own business," - head of "Dumenske" Yevgeny Butkevich

At a time when most farmers say that the most important thing during the war is to survive, Yevgeny Butkevich decided to connect his fate with agriculture. "Dumenske" was registered in August 2023.

Yevgeny graduated from the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, later obtained a second higher education at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. "I chose the agricultural university deliberately, as it was always interesting to me. My father, now deceased, worked for some time as the head of a collective farm, and I was involved in work to some extent from a young age. In total, I have about twenty years of public service in various positions. For six years, I held the position of the head of the district state administration, was the manager of the district council, and then, according to the new legislation, significant reductions took place in the district council," says Yevgeniy.

"Then a war began. Since I had some experience in agriculture, I decided to give it a try and I don't regret it. I don't know how the situation in the country will develop in the future, but I believe that thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, everything will be fine with us - we will definitely win and agriculture in Ukraine will develop. Often there are not enough funds for development, but those who seek always find. There are opportunities now, such as grants from the USAID’s Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities Activity (AGRO) aimed at supporting micro, small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises," says the farmer.

Yevgeniy invested his own savings in the purchase of agricultural machinery and started working. Now the farm has 150 hectares under cultivation and it is planned that by the end of the year there will be 200 hectares. In the fall, he sowed winter wheat and barley, and in the spring he plans to sow soybeans. Corn and sunflowers are not planned to be sown yet, because, as the farmer notes, there is currently an "unstable price policy" for these crops. There are plans not only to increase the acreage, but also to work with new crops, in particular sugar beet, since there is a sugar factory in the region, which will gladly purchase the products.

Of course, despite savings, own funds were not enough for this year's spring sowing. There was a need for lending, but since the farm did not yet have a profit, banks refused loans. Yevgeny began to look for other opportunities. And in 2024, "Dumenske" received a commodity loan from the company "Agro Arena" under the "Farmer, Loan for you" project, which is implemented with the support the USAID’s Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities Activity (AGRO)of the USAID’s Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities Activity (AGRO).

The farm purchased diesel fuel, mineral fertilizers, and crop protection products. "I am very grateful to Agro Arena for helping farmers and meeting me in such a difficult time. No bank agreed to give me a loan, because I have zeros in my reports. I received the necessary resources to carry out spring field work," explains the farmer.

He emphasizes that no one lends fuel and fertilizers to new farms on the market, so this initiative became a unique opportunity for "Dumenske" to carry out sowing and start the development of its own business. A minimal package of documents, quick decision-making, high-quality products already and the possibility of paying at a convenient time in the fall in both money and grain — these are all the most important advantages of cooperation. "In addition, we can always count on consulting and agronomic support 24/7," adds Yevgeniy.
He summarizes that it is difficult, but one must work, pay taxes, help the state, earn bread for one's family: "only one who moves can overcome something."

To become a participant in the commodity lending project "Farmer, loan for you", submit an application on the website or call the hotline number 0-800-307-001. All details are on the website https://agro-arena.com.ua/
The activity made possible through support provided by the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through the USAID’s Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities Activity (AGRO) implemented by Chemonics International
The activity made possible through support provided by the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through the USAID’s Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities Activity (AGRO) implemented by Chemonics International
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